Our Team

These are the dedicated members of Vida's team

Dr Rema Kunjappan (Director)

Graduated from Mangalore University (India) with MBBS. ​

Continued studies with Royal College (Ireland) pursuing a degree in Occupational Medicine. Practices with Klinik Mediviron, Gasing Heights. ​

Director at BraVida, Breast Cancer support network; located in Pantai Hospital KL and Cancerlink Kuantan - providing mastectomy prosthesis, chemotherapy support items for 12 years.

Dr Prithvy Lingham (Director)

A state registered medical doctor since 1992.

Practices with Klinik Mediviron, Gasing Heights.

Adjunct Lecturer with Monash University’s Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine.
A proponent for social justice and one of the lead medical providers with Pertiwi Soup Kitchen and Rumah Kita.

We Provide


Strokes and Traumatic Brain Injury

Nasogastric Tube Feeding

Post Surgery and Chemotherapy

Injections and other special administration

Tracheostomy, Stoma and Catheterisation

Dementia or Alzheimers

Chest physio, Nebulisers or Oxygen

Bedside Nursing care and Medical dressing

Chronic Kidney Disease

Immobilised patients

24hr Monitoring